Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateIndisciplinado. Historia de un proyecto político
Néstor Kirchner would have been no older than 60 in Indisciplinado. Historia de un proyecto político as 'Self (archive footage)'.Movie Released: Thu, May 25 2023
Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa
Néstor Kirchner would have been no older than 60 in Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa as 'Self - President of Argentina (2003–2007) (archive footage)'.Movie Released: Wed, Sep 18 2019
10 years after 125: The night when no one slept
Néstor Kirchner would have been no older than 60 in 10 years after 125: The night when no one slept as 'Self (archive footage)'.Movie Released: Mon, Jul 16 2018
Néstor Kirchner, la película
Néstor Kirchner would have been no older than 60 in Néstor Kirchner, la película as 'Self'.Movie Released: Thu, Nov 22 2012
South of the Border
Néstor Kirchner was 59 in South of the Border as 'Self'.Movie Released: Mon, Sep 07 2009
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages