Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
It All Came Out in the Wash
Mrs. B.F. Clinton was ? in It All Came Out in the Wash as 'The Maid'.Movie Released: Sun, Dec 29 1912

Following the Star
Mrs. B.F. Clinton was ? in Following the Star as 'Mrs. Winthrop - Helen's Mother'.Movie Released: Fri, Dec 20 1912

The Foster Child
Mrs. B.F. Clinton was ? in The Foster Child as 'Mrs. Kasper'.Movie Released: Fri, Jul 12 1912

Her Forgotten Dancing Shoes
Mrs. B.F. Clinton was ? in Her Forgotten Dancing Shoes Movie Released: Sat, Mar 23 1912

Cherry Blossoms
Mrs. B.F. Clinton was ? in Cherry Blossoms as 'Alfred Hollingsworth'.Movie Released: Fri, Sep 08 1911

The Subduing of Mrs. Nag
Mrs. B.F. Clinton was ? in The Subduing of Mrs. Nag Movie Released: Fri, Jul 14 1911
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages