Portrait of Mouny Berrah

Mouny Berrah

Bio: Mouny Berrah born Mouny Laâzib, in 1949 in Algiers in Algeria within a family originally from Beni Yenni in Kabylia, is an Algerian sociologist and critic for the magazine Les 2 Écrans in particular, on television in Télé Ciné Club. She has published several works on the cinema of the Maghreb and the Arab world
Born: Sat, Jan 01 1949
Birthplace: Alger, Algeria

Death: Sat, Jan 01 2000
Mouny Berrah is 51 years old
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Poster of Télé Ciné Club
Télé Ciné Club
Mouny Berrah was
20+ in Télé Ciné Club
as 'Self'.
First Air Date
Mon, Dec 01 1969