Portrait of Mouloud Feraoun

Mouloud Feraoun

Bio: Mouloud Feraoun (in Kabyle: Mulud At Ceɛban), born March 8, 1913 in Tizi Hibel in Haute Kabylie (Algeria) and died assassinated by the OAS in Algiers on March 15, 1962, is a Algerian speaking writer. His most famous work is the trilogy The Poor Man's Son (1950), The Earth and the Blood (1953) and The Roads That Rise (1957)
Born: Sat, Mar 08 1913
Birthplace: Tizi Hibel, Algeria

Death: Thu, Mar 15 1962
Mouloud Feraoun is 49 years old
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Poster of Mouloud Feraoun
Mouloud Feraoun
Mouloud Feraoun would have been no older than 49 in Mouloud Feraoun as 'Self (archive footage)'.
Movie Released: Thu, Jan 01 2009

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