Portrait of Martyn Jacques

Martyn Jacques

Bio: Martyn Jacques (born 1959) is a British musician, singer and songwriter mostly known as the founder and front man of cult British trio The Tiger Lillies. In his early 20s he dropped out of Lampeter's Theology and Philosophy course and headed to London where he initially lived in a squat in Finsbury Park and then in a flat in Soho's Rupert Street where he got a pretty good taste of the lowlife which became his main source of inspiration
Born: Fri, May 22 1959
Birthplace: England
Martyn Jacques is 65 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of The Drunken Sailor
The Drunken Sailor
Martyn Jacques was 48 in The Drunken Sailor
Movie Released: Sat, Oct 13 2007
Poster of Exodus
Martyn Jacques was 48 in Exodus as 'Shebeen Singer'.
Movie Released: Tue, Sep 04 2007
Poster of Shockheaded Peter and Other Songs from The Tiger Lillies
Shockheaded Peter and Other Songs from The Tiger Lillies
Martyn Jacques will be 65+ in Shockheaded Peter and Other Songs from The Tiger Lillies as 'Himself'.
Movie Released: Unreleased
Poster of Icaria
Martyn Jacques will be 65+ in Icaria as 'Frontman'.
Movie Released: Unreleased

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages