Portrait of Martial Raysse

Martial Raysse

Bio: Martial Raysse is a prominent French Nouveau Realist artist. Working with found-object assemblages, advertising imagery, and the elevation of kitsch to fine art, Raysse is often viewed as a predecessor of the Pop Art movement
Born: Wed, Feb 12 1936
Birthplace: Golfe-Juan, Vallauris, France
Martial Raysse is 88 years old
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Poster of Jupiter
Martial Raysse was
35 in Jupiter
as 'Jupiter'.
Fri, Mar 05 1971
Poster of Mode d’Emploi, Les Nouveaux Réalistes
Mode d’Emploi, Les Nouveaux Réalistes
Martial Raysse was
33 in Mode d’Emploi, Les Nouveaux Réalistes
Thu, Jan 01 1970

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages