Portrait of Lotty Rosenfeld

Lotty Rosenfeld

Bio: Lotty Rosenfeld was a Chilean visual artist recognized for her career in the vanguard scene, which emerged in Chile after the military coup of 1973; her works have been characterized by calls for resistance and questioning of political authority. She was one of the founding members of the Colectivo Acciones de Arte (CADA), an interdisciplinary group that managed various interventions during the Chilean dictatorship
Born: Sun, Jun 20 1943
Birthplace: Santiago, Chile

Death: Fri, Jul 24 2020
Lotty Rosenfeld is 77 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Ana
Lotty Rosenfeld would have been no older than 77 in Ana as 'Artista Plástica (Chile)'.
Movie Released: Fri, Oct 02 2020
Poster of Hoy y no mañana
Hoy y no mañana
Lotty Rosenfeld was 75 in Hoy y no mañana as 'Self'.
Movie Released: Sat, Oct 13 2018
Poster of Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento
Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento
Lotty Rosenfeld was 36 in Una milla de cruces sobre el pavimento as 'Self'.
Movie Released: Sat, Nov 24 1979

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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