Portrait of Lisa Siebel

Lisa Siebel

Born: Thu, Oct 02 1919
Birthplace: Recklinghausen, Germany
Lisa Siebel is 105 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Orient-Express
Lisa Siebel was
25 in Orient-Express
as 'Frau Dr. Inge Geldern'.
Fri, Dec 01 1944
Poster of Die unheimliche Wandlung des Alex Roscher
Die unheimliche Wandlung des Alex Roscher
Lisa Siebel was
23 in Die unheimliche Wandlung des Alex Roscher
as 'Linn'.
Mon, Aug 30 1943
Poster of Einmal der liebe Herrgott sein
Einmal der liebe Herrgott sein
Lisa Siebel was
23 in Einmal der liebe Herrgott sein
as 'Eva Corelli'.
Sun, Nov 08 1942

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages