Portrait of Lia Barcellona Tamborra

Lia Barcellona Tamborra

Bio: Lia is a lyricist, songwriter and performer. At 5, she had to be escorted offstage when she refused to stop singing after the song ended (It was a dance recital)
Born: Unknown birthdate.
Lia Barcellona Tamborra is ?
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Poster of The Magic Behind 'd'ILLUSION: The Houdini Musical - The Audio Theater Experience'
The Magic Behind 'd'ILLUSION: The Houdini Musical - The Audio Theater Experience'
Lia Barcellona Tamborra was ? in The Magic Behind 'd'ILLUSION: The Houdini Musical - The Audio Theater Experience' as 'Self'.
Movie Released: Sun, Dec 20 2020

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages