Portrait of Larry Gevirtz

Larry Gevirtz

Bio: Rabbi Eliezer Gevirtz, who goes by “Larry” in the movies, has a pretty distinguished acting resume – especially considering he’s 66 and he started in his thirties by answering to an ad for “extras. ” Most of his roles remain in the background – he’s appeared in everything from The Chosen to How I Met Your Mother
Born: Unknown birthdate.
Larry Gevirtz is ?
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Kensho at the Bedfellow
Kensho at the Bedfellow
Larry Gevirtz was ? in Kensho at the Bedfellow as 'Congregation Member'.
Movie Released: Thu, Mar 09 2017
Poster of Wolves
Larry Gevirtz was ? in Wolves as 'Basketball Fan'.
Movie Released: Tue, Oct 25 2016

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Jake and Amir
Jake and Amir
Larry Gevirtz was ? in Jake and Amir as 'Larence'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Mon, Apr 23 2007