Portrait of Lance Curtis

Lance Curtis

Bio: Lance Curtis was an Australian actor, writer and comedian who became well known in Australia in the early 1980s through his many radio, TV and film appearances. Curtis died in an accidental fall from a balcony, whilst hosting a party at his Sydney home on 9th June 1985
Born: Tue, Apr 27 1954
Death: Sun, Jun 09 1985
Lance Curtis is 31 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Rebel
Lance Curtis would have been no older than
31 in Rebel
as 'Nosey Neighbour'.
Thu, Dec 05 1985
Poster of Emoh Ruo
Emoh Ruo
Lance Curtis would have been no older than
31 in Emoh Ruo
as 'Wayne Mason'.
Thu, Sep 12 1985
Poster of Doctors & Nurses
Doctors & Nurses
Lance Curtis was
27 in Doctors & Nurses
as 'Agent 2'.
Sat, Dec 26 1981

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages