Portrait of Léa Moszkowicz

Léa Moszkowicz

Bio: After studying Literature and attending a program at the « Conservatoire de Paris X », Léa Moskowicz, was accepted into the prestigious Ecole Supérieure d’Art Dramatique de Paris (ESAD) in 2009, directed by Jean Claude Cotillard. Successfully completing the program, learning with the Crème de la crème of French theatre she moved on to performing on the stage in LYSISTRATATA, (directed by Helene Lauria and Lucile Corbeille) and won the Audience award at the Ici et Demain Festival, in 2011
Born: Unknown birthdate.
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Poster of Happy
Léa Moszkowicz was ? in Happy as 'Marion'.
Movie Released: Sun, Aug 23 2015

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