Portrait of Karl-Heinz Windhorst

Karl-Heinz Windhorst

Born: Sun, Jan 06 1929
Karl-Heinz Windhorst is 95 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Around the World with Fanny Hill
Around the World with Fanny Hill
Karl-Heinz Windhorst was
45 in Around the World with Fanny Hill
as 'Police officer'.
Sun, Jan 20 1974
Poster of Ludwig
Karl-Heinz Windhorst was
44 in Ludwig
as 'Doctor Müller'.
Wed, Mar 07 1973
Poster of Immer wenn es Nacht wird
Immer wenn es Nacht wird
Karl-Heinz Windhorst was
32 in Immer wenn es Nacht wird
as 'Boris'.
Fri, Dec 01 1961

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

Sorted by Release Date
Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Graf Luckner
Graf Luckner
Karl-Heinz Windhorst was
44+ in Graf Luckner
as 'Peroni'.
First Air Date
Tue, Feb 20 1973
Poster of Von Null Uhr Eins bis Mitternacht
Von Null Uhr Eins bis Mitternacht
Karl-Heinz Windhorst was
38+ in Von Null Uhr Eins bis Mitternacht
as 'Dr. Tarafa'.
First Air Date
Wed, Jan 25 1967