Portrait of Kára McCullough

Kára McCullough

Bio: Kára McCullough Temple (/ˈkaɪrə/; née McCullough, born September 9, 1991) is an American beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss USA 2017. As Miss USA, McCullough represented the United States at Miss Universe 2017, where she placed in the top ten
Born: Mon, Sep 09 1991
Birthplace: Naples, Italy
Kára McCullough is 33 years old
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Poster of Miss USA
Miss USA
Kára McCullough was 0+ in Miss USA as 'Miss District of Columbia USA 2017, Miss USA 2017'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Wed, Jul 17 1963
Poster of Miss Universe
Miss Universe
Kára McCullough was 0+ in Miss Universe as 'Miss United States 2017'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Fri, Jul 22 1955