Portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach

Bio: Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March 1685 – 28 July 1750) was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France
Born: Sat, Mar 31 1685
Birthplace: Eisenach, Germany

Death: Tue, Jul 28 1750
Johann Sebastian Bach is 65 years old
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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Podium Witteman
Podium Witteman
Johann Sebastian Bach would have been no older than 65 in Podium Witteman
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Sun, Jan 18 2015