![João Goulart Portrait of João Goulart](http://es.actoragecheck.com/lost-image.jpg)
Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date![Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa Poster of Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2tvaXFmVTh4YURZNlRoTm41SjhmNWQwa1pOcy5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa
João Goulart was ? in Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa as 'Self - President of Brazil (1961–1964) (archive footage)'.Movie Released: Wed, Sep 18 2019
![Matheus Schdmit, um caso de amor pelo Brasil Poster of Matheus Schdmit, um caso de amor pelo Brasil](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L29KU2Z2WlQ0QjBTN0xyTGEyTjZjRERSMzNlQy5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Matheus Schdmit, um caso de amor pelo Brasil
João Goulart was ? in Matheus Schdmit, um caso de amor pelo Brasil as 'Arquivo'.Movie Released: Sat, Aug 17 2019
![Dossiê Jango Poster of Dossiê Jango](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2NnY2hNV0pBYWEzWXlzS0doWVduRGtkZzVpTy5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Dossiê Jango
João Goulart was ? in Dossiê Jango as 'Self (archive footage)'.Movie Released: Fri, Jul 05 2013
![Darcy, um Brasileiro Poster of Darcy, um Brasileiro](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/LzJpcWwwRm1mOWk4THViem5JU2daVzNhMWFTRy5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Darcy, um Brasileiro
João Goulart was ? in Darcy, um Brasileiro as 'Self'.Movie Released: Sun, May 19 2013
![The Day That Lasted 21 Years Poster of The Day That Lasted 21 Years](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2RLMWNhUnpSSTdkWHltSlI5TmRXVHJKd3JORy5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
The Day That Lasted 21 Years
João Goulart was ? in The Day That Lasted 21 Years as 'Self (archive footage)'.Movie Released: Sun, Sep 30 2012
![AI-5 - O Dia que Não Existiu Poster of AI-5 - O Dia que Não Existiu](http://es.actoragecheck.com/image/L2xkb09zTVNrd2ljRjlqQ3l2dTNzQzlhT3J0RC5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
AI-5 - O Dia que Não Existiu
João Goulart was ? in AI-5 - O Dia que Não Existiu as 'Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)'.Movie Released: Mon, Mar 26 2001
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages