Portrait of Jean-Michel Asselin

Jean-Michel Asselin

Born: Sat, Mar 08 1952
Birthplace: Chauny, France
Jean-Michel Asselin is 72 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Berhault
Jean-Michel Asselin was
55 in Berhault
as 'Self'.
Tue, Jan 01 2008
Poster of L'Homme qui revient de haut
L'Homme qui revient de haut
Jean-Michel Asselin was
51 in L'Homme qui revient de haut
as 'Self'.
Mon, Feb 02 2004
Poster of Là-Haut, Un supplément d'âme
Là-Haut, Un supplément d'âme
Jean-Michel Asselin was
49 in Là-Haut, Un supplément d'âme
as 'Self'.
Sat, Dec 01 2001
Poster of Dure Limite: Caving in a mill, Mer de Glace
Dure Limite: Caving in a mill, Mer de Glace
Jean-Michel Asselin was
34 in Dure Limite: Caving in a mill, Mer de Glace
as 'Self'.
Wed, Dec 17 1986

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages