Portrait of Jane Malaquias

Jane Malaquias

Bio: From Ceará, director, photographer and screenwriter graduated from EICTV-Cuba, Jane is a pioneering woman in cinema photography in Brazil. Awarded for her work as photographer for the films Cachaça (1995) and O Pedido (1999), by Adelina Pontual; Maracatu, Maracatus (1995) and Clandestina Felicidade (1998), by Marcelo Gomes; A Árvore da Miséria(1998), by Marcus Vilar; Kátia (2012), by Karla Holanda; and Danado de Bom (2016), by Deby Brennand
Born: Sun, Nov 25 1962
Birthplace: Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Jane Malaquias is 62 years old
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Poster of Rodson ou (Onde o Sol Não Tem Dó)
Rodson ou (Onde o Sol Não Tem Dó)
Jane Malaquias was 57 in Rodson ou (Onde o Sol Não Tem Dó)
Movie Released: Sun, Sep 27 2020

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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