Portrait of Jacinto Bonilla

Jacinto Bonilla

Bio: Jacinto Bonilla of New York City is revolutionizing the fitness world with his workout routine. The 80-year-old is stronger than most people half his age, and celebrates each birthday with a “Jacinto Storm”, the Crossfit workout that was named after him — doing reps of each workout for every year he's been alive
Born: Mon, Jul 03 1939
Jacinto Bonilla is 85 years old
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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Doctor & the Diva
Doctor & the Diva
Jacinto Bonilla was 80+ in Doctor & the Diva as 'Self - Crossfit Expert'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Mon, Sep 09 2019