Portrait of Isabelle Hayeur

Isabelle Hayeur

Bio: As a producer, director and scriptwriter, Isabelle Hayeur has written and directed three feature-length fiction films: La bête de foire (1993), Luce-Guilbault Prize at the Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, Les Siamoises (1999), presented at the prestigious London Institute of Contemporary arts and Le Golem de Montréal (2004), opening film at the Festival du film pour enfants de Montréal. As an adaptor of stage plays for the cinema, she has also developed over the years a body of work, producing about twenty films and videos with choreographers such as Ginette Laurin, Marie Chouinard and Susan Marshall in New York
Born: Unknown birthdate.
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Poster of Tout le monde en parle
Tout le monde en parle
Isabelle Hayeur was ? in Tout le monde en parle as 'Self'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Sun, Sep 12 2004