Portrait of Herman Tholen

Herman Tholen

Bio: Herman Tholen (1897-1982) was a Dutch comedian and cabaret artist, who also occasionally appeared as an actor on stage and screen.
Born: Sun, May 16 1897
Birthplace: Amsterdam

Death: Fri, Apr 30 1982
Herman Tholen is 84 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of 't Was één april
't Was één april
Herman Tholen was
38 in 't Was één april
as 'Baron de Hoog van Vriesland'.
Fri, Mar 27 1936
Poster of Fientje Peters, Poste Restante
Fientje Peters, Poste Restante
Herman Tholen was
38 in Fientje Peters, Poste Restante
as 'Philip van Noort'.
Fri, Nov 15 1935

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages