Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
Depois do Transe
Glauce Rocha would have been no older than
37 in Depois do Transe
as 'Self'.
Sun, Jan 01 2006

Glauces, Estudo de um Rosto
Glauce Rocha would have been no older than
37 in Glauces, Estudo de um Rosto
Mon, Jan 01 2001

Celebração - 100 Anos do Cinema Nacional
Glauce Rocha would have been no older than
37 in Celebração - 100 Anos do Cinema Nacional
as 'Self'.
Wed, Jan 01 1997

Cassy Jones, O Magnífico Sedutor
Glauce Rocha would have been no older than
37 in Cassy Jones, O Magnífico Sedutor
as 'Frida'.
Sat, Jun 10 1972

Um Homem sem Importância
Glauce Rocha would have been no older than
37 in Um Homem sem Importância
as 'Selma'.
Thu, Sep 30 1971

Incredible, Fantastic, Extraordinary
Glauce Rocha was
35 in Incredible, Fantastic, Extraordinary
Wed, Jan 01 1969

Pedreira de São Diogo
Glauce Rocha was
29 in Pedreira de São Diogo
as 'Moradora do Morro'.
Tue, Nov 20 1962

Homage at Siesta Time
Glauce Rocha was
28 in Homage at Siesta Time
as 'Berenice Bellington'.
Sun, Jan 21 1962

Cinco Vezes Favela
Glauce Rocha was
28 in Cinco Vezes Favela
as '(segment "Pedreira de São Diego")'.
Mon, Jan 01 1962
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages

O Rei dos Ciganos
Glauce Rocha was
33+ in O Rei dos Ciganos
as 'Gerdora'.
First Air Date
Mon, Sep 12 1966
Mon, Sep 12 1966