Portrait of Gilles Porte

Gilles Porte

Bio: Gilles Porte (born 11 May 1965) is a director, screenwriter, cinematographer, and assistant cameraman. He is a member of société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques (SACD), of société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique (SACEM) and of l'association française des cinémas d'art et d'essai (AFCAE)
Born: Tue, May 11 1965
Birthplace: Lyon, Rhône, France
Gilles Porte is 59 years old
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Poster of The Little Apocalypse
The Little Apocalypse
Gilles Porte was 27 in The Little Apocalypse as 'Team Member'.
Movie Released: Wed, Feb 10 1993

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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