Portrait of Georges Bataille

Georges Bataille

Bio: Georges Albert Maurice Victor Bataille was a French intellectual and literary figure working in literature, philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology and history of art. His writing, which included essays, novels, and poetry, explored such subjects as eroticism, mysticism, surrealism, and transgression
Born: Fri, Sep 10 1897
Birthplace: Billom, France

Death: Mon, Jul 09 1962
Georges Bataille is 64 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Georges Bataille - À perte de vue
Georges Bataille - À perte de vue
Georges Bataille would have been no older than 64 in Georges Bataille - À perte de vue as 'Self - Archive recordings'.
Movie Released: Wed, Apr 30 1997
Poster of A Day in the Country
A Day in the Country
Georges Bataille was 48 in A Day in the Country as 'Seminarian (uncredited)'.
Movie Released: Tue, May 21 1946

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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