Portrait of Gabriel Athanasiou

Gabriel Athanasiou

Bio: He studied film at the School of Film Studies in Thessaloniki. He has directed a number of music videos in collaboration with Greek artists, in addition to commercials, live events and short films
Born: Mon, Mar 11 1996
Birthplace: Greece
Gabriel Athanasiou is 28 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Aiz Eitz
Aiz Eitz
Gabriel Athanasiou was
20 in Aiz Eitz
as 'Self'.
Wed, Jan 11 2017
Poster of Aiz Eitz 2
Aiz Eitz 2
Gabriel Athanasiou will be
28+ in Aiz Eitz 2
as 'Gabriel'.

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages