Portrait of Fahd Kaikaty

Fahd Kaikaty

Bio: Kaikati collaborated with the artist Anwar Al-Baba, the owner of the character “Umm Kamel,” and they presented many radio programs in the 1950s, in a famous duet between “Abu Fahmy” and “Umm Kamel,” which became popular in Damascene circles. With the beginning of Syrian television broadcasting in 1960, Al-Kaikati was contracted to present several singing and artistic paintings in the character of “Abu Fahmi,” who now had a clearly defined appearance in addition to her well-known voice on Damascus Radio
Born: Mon, Nov 17 1930
Birthplace: Damascus, Syria

Death: Fri, May 07 1982
Fahd Kaikaty is 51 years old
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Poster of صح النوم
صح النوم
Fahd Kaikaty was 41+ in صح النوم as 'أبو فهمي'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Tue, Jun 13 1972