Portrait of Doug Pray

Doug Pray

Bio: Doug Pray is an American documentary film director, cinematographer, and editor who often explores unique subcultures in his films. His work includes Surfwise (2008) a portrait of the nomadic, 11-member Doc Paskowitz family (often referred to as the "first family of surfing"); Big Rig (2008), a documentary about truck drivers; Infamy (2005), a documentary about graffiti culture; Red Diaper Baby (2004) a solo-performance film starring Josh Kornbluth; Scratch (2001), a documentary about turntablism and DJ culture; and his first feature, Hype! (1996), a documentary about the explosion and exploitation of the Seattle grunge scene of the early '90's
Born: Unknown birthdate.
Birthplace: Denver, Colorado, USA
Doug Pray is ?
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Poster of The Thin Pink Line
The Thin Pink Line
Doug Pray was ? in The Thin Pink Line as 'Band at Party'.
Movie Released: Wed, Oct 07 1998

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