Portrait of David Sàntalla

David Sàntalla

Bio: He is the son of the famous aviation general Alfredo Santalla Estrella, who was the only Bolivian military man who managed to participate in the First World War and one of the great military heroes during the Chaco War. From a very young age, David Santalla lived in Chile, where he learned his talents as a humorist, creating fictional characters
Born: Wed, Aug 16 1939
Birthplace: La Paz, Bolivia
David Sàntalla is 85 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of My Partner 2.0
My Partner 2.0
David Sàntalla was
80 in My Partner 2.0
as 'Don Vito'.
Thu, Mar 12 2020
Poster of Cuando los hombres quedan solos
Cuando los hombres quedan solos
David Sàntalla was
79 in Cuando los hombres quedan solos
as 'Carlos Padre'.
Thu, Jul 25 2019
Poster of A Matter of Faith
A Matter of Faith
David Sàntalla was
55 in A Matter of Faith
as 'Curita de La Pa'.
Thu, Jul 27 1995
Poster of My Partner
My Partner
David Sàntalla was
42 in My Partner
as 'Don Vito'.
Fri, Apr 30 1982
Poster of Chuquiago
David Sàntalla was
37 in Chuquiago
as 'Carlos'.
Sat, Jan 01 1977

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages