Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
New York Undercover Cop
Cliff Cudney was ? in New York Undercover Cop as 'Man in Porno Shop'.Movie Released: Sat, Aug 14 1993

The House on Carroll Street
Cliff Cudney was ? in The House on Carroll Street Movie Released: Fri, Mar 04 1988

Once Upon a Time in America
Cliff Cudney was ? in Once Upon a Time in America as 'Mounted Policeman'.Movie Released: Wed, May 23 1984

Friday the 13th Part 2
Cliff Cudney was ? in Friday the 13th Part 2 as 'Max'.Movie Released: Fri, May 01 1981
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages