Portrait of Chaz Ralph

Chaz Ralph

Bio: Chaz was born in a costal area of England and spent his early years moving around the UK and then on to Canada, moving back to England in his late teens finally getting married and settling down in Las Vegas, Nevada. Chaz has worked behind the scenes on numerous TV shows and films including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Psych, Rhett & Link's Buddy System, Good Mythical Crew, Lucifer, Supernatural, Book of Eli, The Pest and various Marvel films
Born: Thu, Jun 02 1977
Birthplace: England
Chaz Ralph is 47 years old
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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Good Mythical Crew
Good Mythical Crew
Chaz Ralph was 38+ in Good Mythical Crew as 'Self'.
TV Show Released: First Air Date
Sat, Jan 23 2016