Portrait of Alves da Cunha

Alves da Cunha

Born: Mon, Aug 19 1889
Birthplace: Lisbon, Portugal

Death: Mon, Sep 24 1956
Alves da Cunha is 67 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Rosa de Alfama
Rosa de Alfama
Alves da Cunha was
63 in Rosa de Alfama
as 'Tomé'.
Fri, Jul 03 1953
Poster of Two Causes
Two Causes
Alves da Cunha was
63 in Two Causes
as 'Senhor Bento'.
Tue, Nov 25 1952
Poster of A Garça e a Serpente
A Garça e a Serpente
Alves da Cunha was
62 in A Garça e a Serpente
as 'Count of Albalonga'.
Tue, May 27 1952
Poster of The Spell of the Empire
The Spell of the Empire
Alves da Cunha was
50 in The Spell of the Empire
as 'Francisco Morais'.
Thu, May 23 1940
Poster of Maria of the Sea
Maria of the Sea
Alves da Cunha was
40 in Maria of the Sea
as 'Falacha'.
Tue, May 20 1930
Poster of Lisbon, Anecdotal Chronicle
Lisbon, Anecdotal Chronicle
Alves da Cunha was
40 in Lisbon, Anecdotal Chronicle
Tue, Apr 01 1930

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages